Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Green it Up

Green living is a way of life that considers the consequences of ones actions on the environment .
Watkins is taking steps to preserve environmental quality in all of our product categories, but we want to spotlight how our natural home care line is a step ahead of the rest. Unlike food, the home care category has no governing agency defining ingredients that are natural. Watkins
wanted to make sure that when we called our cleaning products green, it really meant something. The definition we developed became our Natural Home Care Freedom Code. This code includes ingredients that are considered harmful to the environment, and you won’t find
these in our home care products. Some are non-renewable (petroleum), some can cause respiratory irritation (ammonia), while others are synthetic (dyes and colorants). Watkins has been working hard to set the industry standard for natural home care products, and we are
proud to say that no other natural cleaning brand holds themselves to a higher standard or a stricter freedom code than Watkins.

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